Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Love is like a wild flower,
It grows anywhere.
In the harshest weather,
It survives.
In optimum
It thrives.
Love is like the sun,
It lights the heart.
In the heat of love,
The rays can burn the heart.
As the sun provides for the moon,
So does love nourish the soul.
Love is like a forest,
With compassion,tenderness,peaceable,
Compromising,jealous, longing,
Caring,Defending,sensitive, triumphant.
Just like a myriad flora and fauna,
Love presenukibdts in numerous facets.
Love is like a river,
Calmly and wildly flowing.
Just like a river reacts to the weather,
So does love react according to its reception.
With waterfalls in some places,
In others utter calm.
Love is wild yet often tamed.
Love is all encompassing.
Love is enduring.
In good and bad times,
Love is a shining light.
Love is a fire that ceaselessly burns.
With love all dreams are made real.
I dedicate this to all the lovers out there.

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