On this day, Friday 08/07/2016, I stand in solidarity with the course of being right by virtue of my skin colour. I, along with many others and the families of the murdered four feel a grave injustice and sorrow at their passing at the hands of the convoluted criminals.
I am on this day utterly irate at a system that judges a man only by colour. Being black is neither a disease nor a disability. Nobody chooses the colour they are born with. African Americans have suffered under the hands of these nefarious criminals called the police.
For how long will black human beings be treated as second rate and second class? First it was slavery, and with it came a thuggery that has never left the black psyche. Mired into the doldrums of mental stifle. Permanently enslaved.
A black man in this world works twice as hard to get the same chances and opportunities another race is accorded as a matter of course.
I am on this day pacified by the actions of Caucasians,those who walk side by side with their black friends, neighbours and all other monikers you can Christen. I am just glad, that though the system is festered,festooned and saddled with institutionalised racism, not all who are not black deem it fit or fair.
Every human life matters. Nobody has the right to neuter another's life. Not even the white racist American police. They have a legal system which should address criminality and not lethal force where it's uncalled for. When you carry weapons, expect weapons to be used against you. In the case of the supremacist Police forces of the great Uncle Sam, their weapon is discrimination. To be black is deemed a crime in the USA. It has been the case from the advent of slavery. It continues unabated.
Martin Luther King would have been unimpressed by having a black President and slavery continues. Malcolm X would have had a field day,albeit of mourning.Rosa Parks and Ralph Abernathy cringe in their graves at a sniper who uses deadly force against evil that you can't take down by lethal force.
The forces of the grand and the great, need to educate eruditely the general character flaws of wanton disregard and injustice. Most imperative, the African American elites need to roll out a plan of enlightening the masses, at the fore, the state of policing.
Americans need to divorce their dalliance with violence and the notion that gun ownership for all and sundry creates safety,it's delusional!
When a black life is muted to the violence of officialdom that smacks of specious intonations, we as a human race lose something. We erode our ability to feel what pain others feel when we keep shooting at will and blaming it on the colour of your perceived adversary.
It takes a lot of planning and intent for a man to rise with intent to mow down another through a lens. We must all sit at the table of humanity. We must all be #Philando. We must all become black and look at life through the prism of being black.
I do not condone violence but so long as our love for each is superseded by our judgement based on the colour of a man's eyes and not the content of his character, (Martin Luther King) we shall forever flirt with our obsessive compulsion to defend the indefensible.
There has never been a better time for the African American leaders to stand up and do more dialogue. There has never been a better opportunity to show some love and respect for another, only on this occasion, just because they don't belong to your race. There has never been a time when level headed police leaders need to issue orders to back down from the killing. It's time to stop the carnage. The police have no RIGHT to take the lives of others, blacks or whites. Let that be served by the Justice department.There has never been a better time than now.
I dedicate this to all those who have lost loved ones in the struggle to be accorded the same rights and opportunities. It's my prayer that we shall learn to love one another and not feel threatened by our differences. GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS THE WORLD, GOD BLESS HUMANITY.
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