Iam like a river, a river like the great river Nile.
Shorter than the Mississipi, but richer, richer in history.
Long are the ululations and deep is the adulation.
Great for even King Solomon the wise one, and the great King David,
the stone thrower, sang your praises.
Tributaries flowing not just with water but goodwill, love, peace and harmony.
I am like a river, a river like the great river Nile.
From the ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia to the present day Egypt,
all the way to Uganda you flow.
Humans and animals alike adore you.
I am like a river a river like the great river Nile.
We shall forever love you, for you are never frail, even when the rains fail.
You flow forever, rarely overflowing.
You are a marvel of nature, a true reflection of the amazing beauty of Africa.
Of humility, tenderness and devotion of the African.
But though you flow forever you have flaws, as for vice to exist there must be virtue.
And that is why you are so violent, terrifying, and fierce at Ripon falls, though still a site of exquisite and spell-binding beauty.
We shall forever love you, and even though you may sometimes instil fear
in the feeble-minded, your love will always supersede all else.
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