Monday, 7 March 2016


Sometimes I read and observe women lament about the unfair treatment that society and especially men mete out to them with a snigger and utter disdain with what I would allege to be good reason.
Women as a percentage outnumber men. This translates into first and foremost votes should we choose to look at electoral office. If women were to take the mantle and elect their own, this would mean that all over the world we would not need positive discrimination to empower women as If they are a marginalised group. We would in essence have more Angela Merkels, Gloria Aroyos and Imelda Marcoses. In fact this would in effect curtail these testosterone fueled wars that we have on this earth.  The problem  seems to be the apathy with which they regard their very own sisters.
Women seem hell bent on sabotaging each other rather than elevating each to higher echelons of society be it in business or other sectors of society. With more of them in political office, they would then enact laws that ensure more of them take up leadership positions not just by virtue of greater numbers but their ability to lead which needless to say is no less than men's.
Feminism has in a way become too militant and deviated from empowerment and sort of devolved into antagonistic madness which at times has targeted their very own, instead of uplifting them. Women should empower each other to be greater rather than be lectured to by those who have achieved certain status in society which come with higher financial rewards and respect from across the board but negated by lack of a grand plan to positively influence the cause of women leadership.
Women in the UK for instance are routinely paid less than their male counterparts in the same roles. The issue has festered for generations and no solutions have been forthcoming, albeit mooted. There are advances promulgated towards ending this malpractice but we are yet to reach that nirvana of equal pay.
From time immemorial we have had strong women, the likes of Nefertiti and others who charted the course of society and history in general by their mercurial leadership and oratory. Women can and should emulate these and others who were able to lead patriarchal societies. There are numerous excuses for inability and lack thereof of leaders female. Not many stand out as reason, when exhaustively examined. The root cause can be easily subverted If their course can be changed to that of valuing each other , rather than taking on their usual cat like tendencies and clawing at those deemed capable and instead supporting them to purvey this cause which to me is a misnomer and seems like inverted snobbery in terms of sex.(The lack of aforesaid).
Looking at Kenya there are very few women in positions of power who can influence society. It's great to see some who can doing their best to empower the girl child. With more of these new generation trickling through institutions of higher learning and empowered to dream I see a day when there will be more of these ladies occupying their rightful place in leadership. This in so many ways will create a more amicable and peaceful world. Due to the nurturing nature of women this will simply purvey into greater social discourse and a better world for us all.
It's my humble submission that should women believe and be daring enough, without instigating negative and demeaning attitudes towards each other, they would  easily eclipse men to positions of power in whatever sphere of life they choose. It's not up to men to help women curtail themselves of this vicissitude to achieve  this lofty ambition. Women can and should be able to map out a golden path to attaining this that I could call a special project which I passionately believe in.  With a bit of sisterly love, cooperation, careful coordination and strategic planning this is quite attainable once the negative attitudes and stereotypes have been alleviated and ameliorated as should be the case.

I dedicate this article to all those aspiring ladies who think they have it and are willing to get to the apex of life while uplifting each other by being upstanding members of their societies wherever they may be.